
NIGHT TERRORS Street Rodder X Moto Works, originating in Western Canada, focusing on North American automotive performance and lifestyle.

Night Terrors started as an outlet for two brothers to express themselves through Japanese automotive artistry, living a lifestyle that reflected a genuine interest, striving towards a common goal. 

Night Terrors has been dormant of over two years now. Brothers divided. Interests changed. Goals differed. 

Life has a strange way of catching up with you and before you can stop and smell the roses, seasons change; that rose wilts, and people die. Everything is different, and yet everything is as the universe intended. 

Over these past two years relationships have been built and broken, love lost and found, I have travelled around the world experiencing new and exciting cultures, making friends and memories I’ll cherish and hold dear until soil covers my casket and death pries them from my cold hands. Life has changed me, and made me the man I am today. And its in that change that I have truly discovered who it is that I am in this life, and what it is that I want to do. 

..and yet Night Terrors remains. Divided. Whole, but different. Mature. A prisoner to creative solitude, I’ve been stuck organizing thoughts, prioritizing whats truly important, and strategizing how to see it all through before I’m 6ft deep below all my expectations and dreams. I believe now, more than ever before, I’m ready.

This, is the rise of the Night Terrors.